Religion’s Golden Age?

Some supporters of secularisation assume that there was previously an ‘age of faith’ or a ‘golden age’ of religion, when everyone was a believer and people’s lives were dominated by religion. However, the evidence is conflicting. Read the points below that summarise...

Religious Buildings

Working as a group, investigate the religious buildings in your nearest town or city. Make notes of what you find and pool your findings. a) Are there any buildings that are derelict? b) Are there any that have been turned into housing or shops, or taken over by other...

Rational Versus Supernatural Explanations

Divide into groups of about 6 students and choose several events from the list below. Three of you should put together religious or supernatural explanations for the events. The other three should put together rational/technological explanations for the events. You...

Secularisation: Answers to QuickCheck Questions

40% (c) a third. Because of the rise of rationality and the growth of science and technology. A pluralist society, containing religious diversity. Where one faith and one set of beliefs covers the whole society and is shared by all. The influence and functions of...