Gender Differences in Offending

Download this extract from Social Trends 38 and read the section on ‘Offenders’. Study carefully the graph and bar chart (Figures 9.12 and 9.13) on book page 129. Now answer the following questions: What proportion of offenders in 2006 were males? What is...

Women Demonised by The Media

Read the following item and answer the questions at the end. Myra Hindley, Rose West and Mary Bell are all names of women who have been ‘demonised’ in the tabloid press. Another name added to that list in recent years was Maxine Carr. On August the 4th 2002, two...

Accomplishing Masculinity

Below is a table for you to complete. In each box, give several examples of ways in which different groups of males ‘accomplish’ masculinity. Middle-class males Lower-class males Work and success         Wealth and income      ...

Gender and Risk Factors for Offending

Click here to download and read Gender factors in risk factors for offending by David Farrington and Kate Painter (2004). Answer the following questions: How did the researchers choose their sample? What differences between brothers and sisters did they find in types...

Something to Think About : Gender

Question 1: Describe what you would see as the stereotype of a typical night-club bouncer. In how many ways does this image reflect his masculinity? Question 2: Suggest three typical toys for boys, and three for girls, that appear to reinforce ‘instrumental’ and...