Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience

Milgram’s experiment, which was carried out in laboratory conditions, raises important ethical issues. Read the passage below. Then as a group, discuss the questions that follow and write down your answers. The social psychologist Stanley Milgram was interested in the...

Experimental Validity

By following the logic of the experimental method, we can discover cause-and-effect relationships. This allows us to predict what will happen under the same conditions in the future. For example, suppose we want to test the hypothesis that a smoking awareness...

Experiments On Humans

‘The biggest problem of reliability for sociologists carrying out experiments is the human participants’. Why might this be so? Write an account of these difficulties, including reference to each of the following in your answer. a) People already hold attitudes,...

Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment

Go to where you will find an account of Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment. You will find this activity useful for analysing issues regarding prisons (see Topic 9 of Chapter 2, Crime and Deviance) as well as illustrating some of the issues...

Experiments A2: Answers to QuickCheck Questions

The researcher needs to control all possible variables, in order to test a hypothesis as accurately as possible. The way in which a researcher may affect the outcome of an experiment: the researcher’s expectations may (sometimes unconsciously) affect the response of...