Anti-discrimination Laws

Go to the website Now investigate the following: What are the terms of the Sex Discrimination Act (1975)? What are the terms of the Equal Pay Act (1970)? What are the exceptions to these laws? How might gender equality be improved if the 2008...

Family Ideology in Practice

In her research on mothering, the American Jean-Anne Sutherland used focus groups to investigate levels of guilt amongst American mothers. Sutherland argues as follows: Even though opportunities for women outside the family have increased, mothers remain at the centre...

Evaluation of Feminist Theories

Read the statements below and decide which type of feminism each one best applies to. Suggest one positive and one negative evaluation of each type of feminism. This type of feminism….. emphasises the variation in women’s situation and experience exposes the...

Something to Think About : Feminism

Question 1 ‘Women and men now have equal rights; therefore we don’t need feminism any more. It’s out of date’. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer. Question 2 ‘All women share essentially the same experience of oppression regardless of...

Feminist Theories: Answers to QuickCheck Questions

‘Female’ refers to biological sex, whereas ‘feminine’ refers to cultural expectations or norms governing female gender roles. The oppression of women in the family supports capitalist production by maintaining the current generation of workers and by reproducing and...