by John Amy | Mar 19, 2014 | Objectivity and Values
Read the item below and then discuss together the questions that follow: Sociologists may wish to study what are seen as the relevant issues of a particular time; they are likely to react to what are seen as the social or political issues of the day. Similarly,...
by John Amy | Mar 19, 2014 | Objectivity and Values
In an article about values, Roger Gomm gives the example of a sociologist carrying out a survey for a housing authority, showing housing patterns in terms of the ethnic origins of the tenants. Maps were drawn up to illustrate these patterns, but the sociologist was...
by John Amy | Mar 19, 2014 | Objectivity and Values
We have seen that funding bodies may not want to ask certain questions, but sociologists themselves may be ignoring important questions by their focus on alternatives. For example, a focus on the influence of home background on educational success does not focus on...
by John Amy | Mar 19, 2014 | Objectivity and Values
Question 1: Explain what is meant by the phrase, ‘by not taking sides, the sociologist is in fact taking the side of the powerful’. Question 2: Make a list of all the factors mentioned in this Topic that might influence a sociologist’s choice of subject matter. Can...
by John Amy | Mar 19, 2014 | Objectivity and Values
The stage of data gathering. True. That they had stopped challenging authority and become like hired hands, taking no moral responsibility for their work. To redress the balance – unlike the views of the powerful, those of the underdog are seldom heard. Because their...