Ethnicity, Crime and Justice : Answers to QuickCheck Questions
by John Amy | Mar 18, 2014 | Ethnicity
- (b) 7 times.
- Black males are less likely than other ethnic groups to report offences already known to the police; self-report studies do not usually ask about more serious offences; self-report studies do not include prisoners, among whom blacks are over-represented. All these factors affect the representativeness of the results.
- (a) Utilitarian crime is produced in delinquent subcultures suffering from relative deprivation; (b) non-utilitarian crime is produced by frustration due to marginalisation.
- It is a form of political resistance to a racist capitalist society.
- First-generation immigrants tended to be law-abiding; most crime is intra-ethnic (within the same ethnic group); the level of Asian crime is lower than or similar to that of whites.
- At a time of crisis in capitalism, the focus on mugging served to distract attention, to divide the working class on racial grounds and to provide the opportunity to impose stricter laws.
- Discrimination on racial grounds that is built into the pervading values of an organisation such as the police, businesses or housing authorities.
- Higher rates of poverty and unemployment; higher proportion of young males.