1. What overall patterns can you see in these statistics?
  2. How are the British Crime survey results produced?
  3. What differences can you see between police recorded crime and BCS crime?
  4. Identify and explain four reasons for the decrease in crime.
↓ All police recorded crime down 9% to almost 5.0 million crimes.
↓ Violence against the person down 8%.
↓ Most serious violence against the person down 12%.
↓ Sexual offences down 7%.
↓ Robbery down 16%.
↓ Domestic burglary down 4%.
↓ Offences against vehicles down 14%.
↓ Criminal damage down 13%.
↑ Drugs offences up 18%
↓ All BCS crime down 10% to million crimes.
↓ Violent crime down 12%.
→ Domestic burglary stable.
↓ Vehicle-related theft down 11%.
→ Personal theft stable.
↓ Other household theft down 12%.
↓ Vandalism down 10%.
↓ Risk of being a victim of crime down from 24% to 22%.

Home Office Statistics: Crime in England and Wales 2007-08