1. The researcher prepares a limited range of possible answers from which the respondent chooses. They provide a clear focus to questions and can be easily analysed and fed into a computer.
  2. They are carried out at one moment in time, so are unable to show any change over time.
  3. Because there is usually no face-to-face contact and respondents may remain anonymous.
  4. They are easy to replicate, as another researcher can repeat the research using exactly the same questions, and therefore the findings can be checked
  5. In a random sample, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected; a quasi-random sample is more systematic and, say, every tenth name is taken, so the others have no chance of being selected.
  6. Where one suitable contact is made to take part in a survey, then that contact may suggest another, and so on.
  7. For positivists, detachment means objectivity and no researcher bias; for interpretive sociologists, detachment means the researcher does not see things through the eyes of the respondent and therefore will not gain a full understanding.