Types of Deviant Subcultures

Members of different types of deviant subculture might engage in different acts of deviant behaviour. In small groups, discuss which of the following offences you think would be most likely to be committed by members of ‘criminal’, ‘conflict’ or ‘retreatist’...

Postmodernity and the Life Course

Working in pairs, refer to pages 74 to 77 and answer the following questions. Identify 4 ways in which families are being influenced by the changes described in Box 7. According to Giddens, why are personal relationships in today’s society less stable? How does the...

Sociological Views of Family Diversity

Here is a list of statements from different sociologists, expressing a range of views on family diversity. They can all be found on pages 71 to 78 of the book. Match each of the statements with one of the following viewpoints: functionalism; the New Right; feminism;...