Thousands of students have used our textbooks and revision guides to achieve top grades. Here's what a selection of students and teachers have to say about them...
Book Reviews
Sociology textbooks
"Amazing, had all the extra detail in it that other books lacked."
ML Whitehouse
“Highly recommended, informative text book, the concepts are rich in detail and are dissected very well, I would definitely recommend it.”
Merve Ayaan
“Excellent book, very straight forward to understand and is in-depth to give a good clear picture of the area.”
Naila Akhtaron
“Amazing! I ordered this after being prompted by my A Level Sociology teacher. Everything in the book is easy to find because of the index and key concepts pages. The language used is phrased in an understanding way and has been an amazing support piece for my studies.”
“I would say this is the best book on the market for the Sociology AQA Specification...Having reviewed all of the new Sociology books, this is the one that I purchased for my students. None of the others have anything like the depth of this.”
T Loveron
“Do I owe my A to this book? Most definitely! It’s amazing, covers everything in detail. I call this my Sociology Bible. Buy it. Use it. Be overjoyed after.”
“Brilliant! The best textbook you could purchase. Has everything you need for the exam, since I purchased it and started revising it, it’s made a change and built my confidence for the exam. It’s a must have for Sociology students.”
Sociology Revision Guides
“Passed with an A, thanks to this book, amazingly simple to understand and really easy to remember the stuff – great purchase.“
Sarah Rowlands
“Best Sociology book out! Recommended by my sociology teacher – couldn’t have passed the subject without it. Really brilliant book!”
“My lessons were very messy and unclear but this book condenses everything down and teaches exactly what you need to know.”
“Awesome. I really liked this revision guide. It gave me everything I needed to know in a bright and interesting way, I actually enjoyed revising for once. I would highly recommend this for anyone who is doing AS Sociology. Good luck!”
“Excellent! I am in my first year of sixth form sociology. I was struggling for a while to get the whole idea of the essay writing and the theorists etc. Because of this got an E in my first exam however, after the exam I purchased this book recommended by a friend and I can truly say that I have been on a roll with this book.”
“Easy Revision: this revision guide has made my life a little bit easier seriously it is the perfect revision guide I would recommend it to anyone.”
Criminology Textbooks
The books, alongside the scheme of work, take a lot of the pressure and time consumption off planning. This along with the student workbooks gives teachers more time to produce their own resources to fit with what has already usefully been provided by the authors. This is particularly useful if a teacher is new to the subject!
The online activities allow students to consolidate their learning of the topic areas and help teachers to check students’ understanding of the topics. Students really like the textbooks and how clearly things are set out; they particularly like the practice exam questions.
I would highly recommend the textbooks to any school or college who are delivering the WJEC Applied Diploma in Criminology.”
Clear layout with easy-to-follow headings, accessible language and useful examples and case studies. This is especially useful, as on an applied course examples are key and must be included to access the top mark bands.
The online student workbooks and activities are excellent for flipped learning. This has been particularly useful for remote learning – students reading and answering questions prior to delivery creates a deeper level of understanding. They can also be used to consolidate knowledge after delivery. At our college we use a ‘teach, task, test’ approach, so the online activities are fantastic for the task element and really help embed the knowledge.
The textbooks are accessible to all students, stretching and challenging those with higher ability but at the same time providing a base of knowledge for the weaker learners.
During the summer we purchased the online, eBook versions of the textbooks with access via the VLE, which has been a godsend for our 160 students throughout the pandemic.
The controlled assessment and exam preparation sections at the end of every Assessment Criterion/Topic are extremely useful. We use them as a framework to ensure the students hit the necessary criteria to maximise the marks available. The feedback from the students is that they feel well prepared for the assessments after following this process.
Overall, the books are a fantastic resource from a teaching, planning and delivery perspective and mostly importantly from a student perspective. If you are planning to offer Criminology, then ensure you use these textbooks!”