How do I place an order?
Can I order over the phone?
We are not able to take orders and payments over the phone. Please buy with a credit/debit card or PayPal at our website.
Can I order an inspection copy?
We don’t provide inspection copies. To buy a copy, please use the credit/debit card or PayPal facility at our website.
Do you charge VAT (value added tax)?
No. There is no VAT on books.
What are company and VAT registration numbers for Napier Press?
Our company number is 04123287. Our VAT number is 848359971
Do you charge for delivery?
There is a standard charge of £2.80 on all deliveries to UK addresses.
Do you deliver to addresses outside the United Kingdom?
When will my order arrive?
Please allow 5 working days for delivery.
Do you accept returns?
We will issue a refund on books you return to us in mint condition within 14 working days.
Do you sell eBooks?
Schools and colleges can purchase eBook licences for our textbooks. We do not sell eBooks to individuals.
Do you provide books in formats for visually impaired students?
Please contact us or email bookshare@rnib.org.uk
Who should I contact with an enquiry?
Please send all enquiries to enquiries@napierpress.com
How do I make a suggestion, comment or complaint?
If you have a suggestion, comment or complaint, please email us at enquiries@napierpress.com
What is your privacy policy?
You will be aware that the European General Data Protection Regulation came into force on May 25th 2018. One of the stipulations of the Regulation is that companies need to be transparent about how they collect and use customers’ data and how customers can have such data deleted.
We collect and process customer data in these ways:
- We collect and store teacher email addresses for the purpose of sending out free resource materials and related information about our products and services. We do not share this information with any third party. We delete this information on receiving a request to do so from the teacher or their school.
- We collect and share customer data with companies that process orders for the products purchased at our website. Details are available on request.
- We communicate by email with other businesses and individuals in the course of business. We do not share this information with any third party and delete it on receiving a request from the sender to do so.
If you have any queries regarding this, please email us at enquiries@napierpress.com