Our best-selling textbooks and revision guides, and free online student activities and workbooks.

AQA A level Sociology Book One including AS Level
The book focuses on the key topics of Families and Households, Education, Methods in Context and Research Methods to achieve the depth of coverage needed to achieve top grades. The book includes an introduction to studying sociology and a chapter focusing on Preparing for the Exam.

AQA A level Sociology Book Two
The book focuses on the key topics of Beliefs in Society, Crime and Deviance, and Theory and Methods to achieve the depth of coverage needed to achieve top grades. The book includes a chapter focusing on Preparing for the Exam.

Succeed at A level Sociology Book One including AS Level
This revision guide covers the topics of Families & Households, Education, Methods in Context, and Research Methods. It summarises what you need to know and how to boost your marks for AO2 Application and AO3 Analysis and Evaluation.

Sociology student activities
Free online activities to help you to consolidate and extend your knowledge and develop your skills.

Sociology student workbooks
Free online workbooks help to strengthen your engagement with your textbook and provide a sound structure for remote and flipped learning and for homework.